Friday, June 12

About the Program

The Program

It is relevant in the context of the following and more:

  • Social problems and issues;
  • Discipline, truancy;
  • Drug abuse, addictions;
  • Deviant behaviors and habits;
  • Corruption and ethics;
  • Relationships;
  • Phobias and traumas;
  • Diseases and illnesses;
  • Quality and Productivity;
  • Performance and Creativity;
  • Managing and supervision;
  • Problem-solving;
  • Human Resource Development, etc.

More specifically it can address:

  • Personal & Family Health Care: health, diseases and cure; source and symptoms; prevention and conduct.

  • Beauty & Anti Aging; Personality, Attitude & Outlook; PMS, Menopause, Cancer; Fertility; Relationships.

  • Education and Growing up; examinations; studying – focus, understanding, memory; personality, habits, behavior; performance & excellence; discipline and conduct.

  • Career; vertical / horizontal relationships; performance, creativity; leading and managing; problem-solving & decision-making; helping ‘problem’ people.

  • Organizational Dynamics & Human Asset Development

  • Success, Security and Protection

  • Schools: Performance & Discipline

  • Drugs and Addictions and Rehabilitation

  • Social Abuses & Rehabilitation

Program Objectives

  • To better understand one’s true inner self and see the potentialities in the context of his / her personal, organizational and social environments.

  • To better understand the blockages which hinder one from realizing his potentials for fulfillment.

  • To learn and use the skills to resolve the problems for building a new foundation for one’s being in meeting various objectives.

Program Emphasis

  • That relevant knowledge is effectively imparted, meaningful and useful.

  • That the skills are acquired and can to be easily used for specific problem.

  • That the outcome takes place and is perceivable by the participant and the organization.


  • Understand the trappings we are in – the world view, paradigm, mind set, values and attitudes, belief system.

  • Understand the approach and techniques for uncovering our true being and the trappings we are in.

  • Utilize the approach and techniques and see their efficacy, practicality and utility in real-life situations.


  • The benefits are that blockages are removed and individuals are set on the path to realize their potentialities. Human resource is now an asset. Change and motivational programs that previously cannot manifest in change become practically relevant.

  • In the same breath, the skills acquired can be utilized for various problems by the individuals themselves. We are providing the skills for the people to harness themselves into assets. The saving to social costs can be tremendous.


The Program is for everyone – in any sector, any organization. Priority should be given to critical areas where results are wanting.The Program incorporates the elements of knowledge and motivation, skills and hands-on practical, real situation problem-solving.For optimum result, the number of participants in a group should be small enough to allow for hands-on skill to be effectively acquired.

Thursday, June 11

About Dr. Engku Anuar

Engku Anuar, JSM

Ph.D, MPIA, BA (Hons), MDMA

Engku Anuar is from Terengganu. He had his early education in Malay College Kuala Kangsar. He obtained his BA (Hons) from the University of Malaya (1966), MPIA (1973) and PhD in Economics and Development Studies (1979) from the University of Pittsburgh (USA). He was selected in his early career to undergo a Consulting Training under the Harvard Development Program. He pursued his post-graduate studies in the United States as a Ford Foundation scholar. As a senior officer of the Malaysian Administrative and Diplomatic Service, he served the Government in various capacities - planning, research, training and consultancy, with the last position being special personal assistant to Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Mahathir Mohamad.

Wishing to acquire new experiences he joined the private sector in manufacturing and later joined Petronas as head of Petronas Consulting Division where he worked together with McKenzie, Bootz Allen,and Hays Management in the areas of strategic management, corporate culture, human resource development etc. On leaving Petronas he pursued his consultancy and research work on his own giving his time to his main interests - philosophy, science and religion and in helping people.

His interest in ‘alternative’ science and medicine opened new dimensions for integrating the knowledge of ‘ancient secrets and wisdom’ with contemporary advancements in science and technology.

He believes in stretching the frontiers of knowledge, science and possibilities for the benefit of humanity. His all-in-one solution for addressing various problems is founded on this premise. Currently he spends his time in research, conducting training and providing energetic-based complementary therapy in Shah Alam.

His philosophy is that life is not meant to be complicated – complexity is man-created, the answer is in simplicity. The secret is in everyone and the key is in the hand of every individual. There is a solution to every problem and there is a cure for every disease.


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